How to simulate Window's "Press any key to continue..."

FireController#1847 usfirepilot123 at
Fri Nov 22 04:10:23 UTC 2019

I'm an extreme beginner to DLang (just started using it.. oh, an 
hour ago?), and I already can't figure out a, what I'd consider, 
fairly simplistic thing.

This is my current code:

module DTestApp1;

import std.stdio;

int main() {
     write("Press any key to continue...");;
     return 0;

I am using Visual Studio to write it, and no matter what I do I 
cannot get it to work. I attempted to import;, but it 
said that while it could find the file, it cannot be read. Am I 
using the wrong function?

For those who don't know, what I'm trying to do is pause the 
program until literally any key is pressed while in the console.

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