Have DUB sub packages inherit settings
dkorpel at gmail.com
Wed Oct 9 11:22:43 UTC 2019
I want to split my package into sub packages for faster
compilation, but I have some custom settings that I don't want to
copy-paste 10 times since that makes editing them really
annoying. Is there a way to inherit the settings from the
main-package, or avoid repetition in another way?
I found this 2 years old post:
It is mentioned that when using --combined the flags are
inherited, but I also want to inherit the settings when not using
that flag.
The settings in question are:
dflags "-dip1000" "-dip25"
buildType "debug" {
buildOptions "debugMode" "debugInfo"
buildOptions "betterC"
buildRequirements "allowWarnings"
buildType "release" {
buildOptions "releaseMode" "optimize" "inline"
buildOptions "betterC"
buildType "unittest" {
buildOptions "unittests" "debugMode" "debugInfo"
dflags "-checkaction=context"
buildRequirements "allowWarnings"
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