D for sciencetific scripting / rapid protoryping

Prokop Hapala prokophapala at gmail.com
Tue Oct 22 05:58:50 UTC 2019

I'm examining the possibility to move from Python+C/C++ to D or 
Python+D. I read 
(https://jackstouffer.com/blog/nd_slice.html), where is mentioned 
PyD, Mir-algorithm, all seems very promising. But I did not test 
it yet.

The main motivation why I like D over Julia 
(https://julialang.org/) is that D has smaller footprint (Julia 
basically needs kind of managed environment (like java virtual 
machine), it does not really compile to standalone native 
executable or library) and compilation of D seems to be 
paradoxically faster than initialization of Julia (despite Julia 
is JIT, in practice many operations (like recompiling, 
installing, importing libraries) are quite slow) - waiting 1 
minute for that considerably hamper fast development cycle.

Nevertheless I have several concerns now:

1) rdmd - it seems like exactly what I want (to use D as a script 
language, with super fast compilation). However, I cannot figure 
out how to make it work with libraries (e.g. If I use 
mir-algorithm, derelict-gl3, derelict-sdl). It does not seem to 
work together with dub and ignores dependencies from dub.json.

2) D footprint - the size of binary produced by D is kind of 
large. This simple project 
https://github.com/ProkopHapala/SimpleSimulationEngine/tree/master/Dlang/TEMP/firstTriangle-derelict produce 2.9MB with dmd and 3.5MB with ldc. This is because libraries are lineked statically, I guess. There should be a way how to link them dynamically (https://forum.dlang.org/thread/eimyvbojdmanbbshwvmc@forum.dlang.org), at least with ldc, but I cannot figure out how. (sorry for cross posting, but I got no answer to the previous post, I guess because it is >1year old). Still I would like dynamic linking with dmd, since it has faster compilation time than ldc.

I'm concerned about binary size because I want to generate many 
different small dynamic libraries (.so) on-the-fly. With 3MB per 
library I would easily waste Gigabytes of disk space that way. 
Basically I want to achieve functionality a bit like python weave 

3) Dynamic loading of D-libraries with ctypes - from what I see 
in PyD examples 
(https://github.com/ariovistus/pyd/tree/master/examples) it all 
uses distutils/setup.py. That is perhaps nice for installation by 
end user, but not so convenient for rapid prototyping and 
development. There is this special construction:

extern(C) void PydMain() {

I'm not sure what def! exactly does and how limiting it is? I 
would prefer just to generate standard .so library which exposes 
standard extern(C) functions. And than to load it dynamically 
with ctypes like any other c-library. Is that possible? (I did 
not yet tried to investicate it in detail). The reason is that 
while I often use python for prototyping, I'd like to produce .so 
libraries which I can than load from anywhere else (not just from 
python, but e.g. from C/C++) without changes. And it seems there 
is some problem loading D-library functions from C 

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