... use of ... is hidden by ...; use alias ... to introduce base class overload set ??
Robert M. Münch
robert.muench at saphirion.com
Thu Oct 24 17:57:46 UTC 2019
On 2019-10-23 17:22:38 +0000, Ali ‡ehreli said:
> On 10/23/2019 02:43 AM, Robert M. Münch wrote:
> >> Unfortunately, member function template instances are never virtual
> >> functions, so you can't override them.
> >
> > What I don't understand is:
> >
> > 1. The RX lib has a member function template and than an instance of it
> > using type Oberver!E.
> >
> > 2. I'm creating a new type and want to use the same pattern but now with
> > my type. But it seems that D reduces my own type which leads to the
> > ambigty of which function now to use. Whereas I would expect that D uses
> > the most specific type first.
> That is exactly the case (for D, C++, etc.). However, the function must
> be virtual. Imagine an object is being accessed by it base interface,
> only the virtual function calls will be dispatched to the most specific
> type. Non-virtual functions will be called on the base type.
Yes, I know and the problem seems to be what you mentioned before: "But
I think you have a member function template in the base class.
Unfortunately, member function template instances are never virtual
functions, so you can't override them."
Is there a reason why these type of functions are not virtual or can't
be made virtual?
> For that reason, even though I've managed to remove your compilation
> error below, you will not like how it behaves.
> > The pastbin is the minimal code example. And yes, I'm sure there is a
> > (simple) way out...
> Replacing FilterSubject with the following removes the compilation error:
> static class FilterSubject : SubjectObject!message {
> SI spitialIndex;
> this(){
> spitialIndex = new SI();
> }
> auto subscribe(T)(T t)
> if (!is (T == myWidget))
> {
> return typeof(super).subscribe(t);
> }
> Disposable subscribe(T)(T observer)
> if (is (T == myWidget))
> {
> spitialIndex.insert(observer.x, observer.y,
> cast(long)cast(void*)observer);
> return NopDisposable.instance;
> }
> }
Ah, that's pretty neat. I think that is what I need. I have to get used
to this template variant handling feature.
> However...
> auto rx_message = new FilterSubject;
> The type of rx_message is FilterSubject above. When one calls
> .subscribe() on it, only FilterSubject.subscribe templates will be
> involved. Perhaps that's exactly what you want.
> However... :)
> Accessing rx_message through a base class interface will call a
> different set of .subscribe() functions (the ones on the base even for
> myWidget!):
> SubjectObject!message rx_message = new FilterSubject;
> Now rx_message is the base type and only now you get "Hit!" printed.
Yes, that fits. Because only when thîs specific type is used the
specialized implementation should be used.
> Again, maybe this is exactly what you want but beware that different
> sets of functions will be called depending on what interface of the
> object you are using.
Yes, I understand and this is a very elegant way to keep the same
interface but with different behaviour depending on the type. Very
Robert M. Münch
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