converting D's string to use with C API with unicode

Jack jckj33 at
Sat Dec 5 19:51:14 UTC 2020

So in D I have a struct like this:

>struct ProcessResult
>	string[] output;
>	bool ok;

in order to use output from C WINAPI with unicode, I need to 
convert each string to wchar* so that i can acess it from C with 
wchar_t*. Is that right or am I missing anything?

>struct ProcessResult
>	string[] output;
>	bool ok;
>	C_ProcessResult toCResult()
>	{
>		auto r = C_ProcessResult();
>		r.ok = this.ok; // just copy, no conversion needed
>		foreach(s; this.output)
>			r.output ~= cast(wchar*)s.ptr;
>		return r;
>	}

>version(Windows) extern(C) export
>struct C_ProcessResult
>	wchar*[] output;
>	bool ok;

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