C++ or D?

frame frame86 at live.com
Wed Dec 23 18:03:56 UTC 2020

On Saturday, 19 December 2020 at 09:06:33 UTC, Godnyx wrote:
> Hi! Can you be more specific about the problems someone is 
> gonna face with D that can't be fixed? This is very important 
> for me because I'm planning to use D for development in the 
> near (I wish near) future and I want to know what's going on. 
> So yeah some examples will be appreciated!

It's not the problem mentioned but I had to struggle with DLLs 
and D's Variant-type. The problem is that Variant uses TypeInfo 
which does not pass DLL boundaries correctly so that int != int 
in runtime even it's in fact a simple int.

If you need to exchange unknown data between a DLL and your 
application you need to get a workaround and cannot use that 
elsewhere settled nice feature. But it's a Windows specific issue 
- it works as expected on other systems.

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