How to Install D on my new MacBook with M1 ARM computer

Dave Chapman donte5379 at
Tue Dec 29 19:04:33 UTC 2020


Apologies If I have double posted.

I received a MacBook pro M1 for Christmas and I would like to 
install a D compiler on it. After looking at the downloads page I 
don't see how to install D on a new MacBook. I did not see a 
precompiled version to download with the possible exception of 
ldc for macOS with 64 bit ARM support (thanks Guillaume!)

Is there a precompiled version I can use?

Can I grab the x86 version of DMD from my old MacBook and have it 
work via Rosetta2?

Do I need to cross compile?

Is there a recipe somewhere that I can follow?

Thank you for any guidance you can provide,

Dave Chapman

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