Some comments on learning D using the tour

mark mark at
Wed Jan 15 20:06:01 UTC 2020

I am learning D for the first time.

While I wait for Mike Parker's "Learning D" book to arrive, I 
have started using the tour.

I really like the tour, especially the fact that you can run and 
tweak the code as well as read the explanations.

However, what I really miss is a contents page so that I can look 
at each topic and jump back when I want to recap something.

For example, I haven't found one definitive place in the docs 
that document D's strings. I've found the std.string module's 
docs and the Array's string docs -- which unfortunately are not 
cross-ref'd with links to each other. I know that I've covered 
strings in the tour, but with no list of contents I can't find it 
without "endlessly" clicking back to find it.

Another thing I like about the tour is that the imports specify 
the imported functions so you can see exactly where they come 

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