Defining an alias to an overloaded function

olvy olvy at olvy.ol
Mon Jan 20 22:02:54 UTC 2020

I'm learning D, and as an exercise, I'm trying to define a 
HashSet that would be a wrapper around an associative array with 
some dummy value type.

This worked fine until I've tried writing opSlice for this 
HashSet in terms of the byKey() function of the AA.  I defined my 
own internal type that wraps the one returned by byKey and 
returned it.  However I had to keep byKey's result inside my 
internal type, but I couldn't figure out how to name it properly 
without getting a compilation error.

The problem is that byKey is overloaded and but I can't figure 
out how to convince the compiler to disambiguate between the 

Another lesser problem is that I have to write "opSlice" 
explicitly at the call site instead of using [].   But it might 
be that the compiler is confused due to failure of parsing the 

My aim isn't building a HashSet, the point is learning, here 
specifically learning how to convince the compiler to use the 
correct byKey overload in this case.
I could also trivially use the AA's keys() function to implement 
opSlice.  But I like byKey since it exposes just an iterator, 
while keys() actually allocates an array which isn't necessary 

I'm using dmd 2.089 on my machine.

My code is (also in

import std;

struct HashSet(T) {
     int[T] _dict;

     bool add(T val) {
         auto prev = val in _dict;
         _dict[val] = 0;
         return prev is null;

     bool remove(T val) {
         return _dict.remove(val);

     bool opBinaryRight(string op)(T val) {
         static if (op == "in") {
             return (val in _dict) !is null;
         } else {
             static assert(false, "Operator " ~ op ~ " not 

     import std.traits;
     import std.meta;
     struct RangeImpl(T) {
         // Next line has compilation error since byKey has 2 
         alias byKeyAlias = Alias!(byKey!(int[T])(T.init));
         ReturnType!(byKeyAlias) keyRange;
         // alias byKeyAlias = byKey;
         // ReturnType!(byKey!(int[T], T, int)) keyRange;
         this(ref int[T] d) {
             keyRange = d.byKey();
         bool empty() const {
             return keyRange.empty;
         ref T front() {
             return keyRange.front;
         void popFront() {

     // T[] opSlice(T)() {
     //     return _dict.keys;
     // }

     RangeImpl!T opSlice(T)() {
         return RangeImpl!T(_dict);


void main()
     HashSet!long h;
     if (1 in h) {
         writeln("it is");
     if (h.opSlice!long.all!(nn => nn < 5)) {
         writeln("less than 5");

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