weekly news?

Mike Parker aldacron at gmail.com
Thu Jan 23 06:40:30 UTC 2020

On Thursday, 23 January 2020 at 06:27:31 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

> Apparently so. Firefox shows me a 404 for the URL with the 
> parameter ?relatedposts=1. Must be something in the Wordpress 
> settings triggering the fetch. Maybe with Jetpack. I wonder why 
> Chrome doesn't show it. I'll look into it.

So it's not happening with every post. And now I've seen that 
when it does happen, it also returns 404 for the URL with no 
parameters. I'm also seeing it in Chrome now.

The option to show related posts in Jetpack is turned off. So I 
have no clue why that keeps showing up for some posts and not 

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