How change window Backgound Color when press a Button when using "ResEdit Resource Editor" to design?

Mike Parker aldacron at
Thu Jan 30 05:14:39 UTC 2020

On Thursday, 30 January 2020 at 04:31:46 UTC, Marcone wrote:

> I am very noob. Can you send me the code?

You've been asking a lot of questions about the Win32 API. This 
is a D programming forum, not a Win32 API forum. I'm sure people 
are generally happy to help point you in the right direction, but 
you can't rely on anyone to send you code for it. Not many people 
are doing Win32 API programming in D (and I would guess a large 
percentage of the community here have never touched it). You 
really need to be following a Win32 API tutorial to learn this 

I don't personally know how good any online Win32 tutorials are, 
but I do know that the book "Programming Windows 5th Edition" is 
an excellent resource for learning Win32 programming:

It's available in both hardcover and Kindle editions. If you can 
afford to get it, I highly recommend you do.

Several years ago, Andrej Mitrovic translated many of the 
examples from that book to D. Even if you don't buy the book, 
this will be a good resource to help you:

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