Using_string_mixins_for_logging error

WebFreak001 at
Wed Jul 15 07:33:33 UTC 2020

On Wednesday, 15 July 2020 at 07:07:55 UTC, Vitalii wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> I try to compile this recipe with dmd (2.089.0), ldc2 (1.18.0):
> but get the same error:
> mixin_log.d(64): Error: basic type expected, not __FUNCTION__
> mixin_log.d(64): Error: declaration expected, not __FUNCTION__
> in that part of code:
> mixin template set_func_name(string fn)
> {
>     enum __FUNCTION__ = fn;
> }
> There is no doubt that this recipe once worked. How to fix it 
> now?

that wiki entry is from 2012. __FUNCTION__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ 
and __MODULE__ were introduced in 2013, making that old 
__FUNCTION__ definition code obsolete.

In fact all of the code on that page can now be more easily 
written as:

enum LogLevel { INFO, WARN, ERROR }

template log(LogLevel level)
     void log(Args...)(Args args, string fn = __FUNCTION__, string 
file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__)
         writeln(Clock.currTime(), " [", level, "] ", file, '(', 
line, "): ", fn, ": ", args);

alias info = log!(LogLevel.INFO);
alias warn = log!(LogLevel.WARN);
alias error = log!(LogLevel.ERROR);

no longer requiring any mixins or boilerplate code in your 
calling functions.


void main(string[] args)
     info("hello", "world");
     warn("i am ", "number ", 1);
     log!(LogLevel.INFO)("manual call");


2020-Jul-15 08:12:00.5900346 [INFO] onlineapp.d(21): 
onlineapp.main: helloworld
2020-Jul-15 08:12:00.5901559 [WARN] onlineapp.d(22): 
onlineapp.main: i am number 1
2020-Jul-15 08:12:00.5901745 [ERROR] onlineapp.d(23): 
onlineapp.main: true


This uses default values after variadic parameters which is 
allowed since 2.079.0 and also uses a nested template to allow 
for the aliases with default LogLevel.

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