Overload comparison operators for "nullable" types

Oleg B code.viator at gmail.com
Thu Jul 30 13:41:05 UTC 2020


For example we can imagine struct Version.
Version can be old or new and can be 'badly formed' or 
'undefined' or other 'not comparible' ('uncompatible') state.

Logically we can compare versions, but what must return `opCmp` 
if one of versions has 'not comparible' state?

I think strategy of throwing exception in `opCmp` is bad because 
some types can be 'not comparible' not because they is `null` or 
`undefined`, 'not comparible' can be two objects in some working 

If we add `opEquals` we can check 'not comparible' and return 
`false`, but operators `a <= b` and `a >= b` not expands under 
the hood as `a < b || a == b`, they only call `opCmp` and if it 
returns 0 considered arguments are equals.

Rewrite `a <= b` as `a < b || a == b` is not intuitive and can 
get bugs if new user will use code (or old user forgot about 
this). Checking 'not comparible' state before `a <= b` is not 
intuitive too.

`opBinary` can't overload comparison.

We have same type of problem if wrap simple `double` into struct 
and try overload comparison (double.nan has own behavior).

Problem can be solved if we add new `opCmpEx` into language spec 
that return 4 states: more, less, equal, not equal.
Or if we allow `opBinary` overload comparisons.

May be I don't understand something important and this problem is 
not exists?

May be in cases where can be 'not comparible' state we should not 
use overload of comparison operators? But it looks like 
overloading conception isn't completed and can be improved.

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