Should it compile?

Stanislav Blinov stanislav.blinov at
Mon Jun 8 01:58:02 UTC 2020

On Sunday, 7 June 2020 at 23:09:41 UTC, Jack Applegame wrote:

>     auto const_ua = Unique!(const NonCopyable)(move(ca)); // 
> error, why???
> }
> ```

Moving *from* a const would violate const. At least, until such 
time that the compiler is finally taught about move() (hopefully, 
sometime this decade).

`move` and `moveEmplace` take arguments by ref. Therefore, if you 
call them with a const lvalue, arguments will be ref const. Which 
are allowed to bind to both mutable, const *and*  immutable, and 
implementations of `move` and `moveEmplace` are not able to 
assume either way. Const is const.

`emplace` violates const (it has to). Perhaps `moveEmplace` 
should also be allowed to violate const for its *second* 
argument, but not the first, on the assumption that the 
programmer knows what they're doing.

Problem here is that, well, it wouldn't be as straightforward as 
it sounds, because the language allows overloading constructors 
based on `const` and `immutable`. So you may end up moving into a 
const such state that that const is not equipped to deal with:

struct S {
     private { int i; bool iAmConst; }
     this(int i) { this.i = i; }
     this(int i) const { this.i = i; iAmConst = true; }

S mutableS = 42;
const S constS = void;
moveEmplace(mutableS, constS); // if this was allowed, now what?
assert(constS.iAmConst);       // <- this would fail

An attempt was made to solve this (albeit the intended use case 
was different - impure moves), via DIP1014 and opPostMove. The 
DIP was even accepted. But apparently, it failed, for the above 

Here's hoping that move constructors do make it into the 
language, so that these darker places of the standard library (or 
rather, runtime nowadays) may die in peace.

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