"if not" condition check (for data validation)

Denis noreply at noserver.lan
Wed Jun 17 23:46:54 UTC 2020

Is there a cleaner way to implement an "if not" condition check?


For data validation, code is cleaner and more intelligible if the 
condition being checked is written in an affirmative sense; that 
is, in the same way that `assert` is written. This is especially 
true when `and` and `or` logic is involved. `if` is not a good 
substitute, because it works in the opposite sense, often 
requiring lots of `not`s. As a trivial example:

   assert( configfile.isFile && configfile.extension == ".conf" )
   if ( !configfile.isFile || configfile.extension != ".conf" ) 
<handle it>

An `if` statement can be written in the affirmative sense, by 
using an empty `then` statement + an `else` statement:

   if ( configfile.isFile && configfile.extension == ".conf", 
message ) { }
   else <handle it>

But then the logic intuitively feels wrong for an `if`, because 
the handler is always in the `else`. When there are only a few 
such checks, it might not matter. But when there are a lot of 
checks, the code gets ugly (lots of `else`s) and the clutter adds 


The following solution works and the code is very readable. 
However, it has a couple of notable deficiencies.

   void unless(T)(T condition, lazy void func ) {
       if ( !condition ) func(); }
   unless( configfile.isFile && configfile.extension == ".conf", 
handleIt( _ _ ));

The most obvious shortcomings are:
   1. It only works with a handler function. So `continue` and the 
like can't be used, for example.
   2. It is inefficient, adding an extra function call to every 
condition check. Inside a loop, this is cumulative.


I haven't been able to come up with another option that is more 
efficient yet doesn't sacrifice readability. I would welcome 

Thanks in advance.

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