Is it possible to dynamically load a @safe function from a shared library ?
invalid at
Fri Mar 13 15:16:06 UTC 2020
I've got a plug-in which is a shared library. Like this
module plugin;
@safe int VersionOfAPI()
return 1;
this is builds to
in main.d I'm loading the plugin and bind the those functions
like so:
module app;
alias apiverfn = int function();
apiverfn apiVersion;
void main()
void LoadPlugin(string path)
void* plugin = loadLibrary(path);
@trusted void* bindSymbol(void** pfn, const(char)* symbolName)
*pfn = dlsym(plugin, symbolName);
bindSymbol(&apiVersion, "VersionOfAPI");
The compiler now refuses to call bindSymbol:
Error: function bindSymbol(void**, const(char)*) is not
callable using argument types (int function() @safe*, string)
cannot pass &apiVersion of type int function() @safe* to
parameter void** pfn
It makes sense that the compiler refuses to assign a @system
function* to a @safe one but dlsym is a @system function which
returns a @system fn* and I know that the function is @safe.
Is it possible to convince the compiler to look the other way
while binding @safe functions from the plugin ?
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