Where is the latest android dev info?

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at gmail.com
Thu Mar 26 15:48:41 UTC 2020

On Thursday, 26 March 2020 at 10:07:35 UTC, BetaDamnit wrote:
> Maybe you have some free time with nCoV?

nope, it is even worse for my time right now.....

> It seems rather straight forward, just use ldc2, ndk linker, 
> and proper linking to android libs to use the functionality

Yeah, that's what it all does. My repo there works with ldc 1.19 
today, just not the new 1.20 yet.

You can see in the code how simple it is - really just sets up a 
config file and downloads the runtime libraries. Then there's 
bindings in there for the NDK headers, a helper file for some 
hacks (one of which is no longer necessary with 1.20!), and also 
Java JNI bindings if you choose to use them (they a bit slow to 
compile though).

> I imagine this does not create an apk either?

no, it compiles into a shared lib, then you add that to an 
android studio project and create the apk that way. There's also 
ways to do apks from the command line with the official android 
tools that should work here, just that's outside the scope of my 
little project.

> Maybe a good time with nCoV ravishing thee world to get android 
> going for dmd?

That will never happen. But ldc works today! I think gdc kinda 
works if you set it up right, but ldc is pretty easy, you don't 
even need my helper lib really, it just makes it a bit easier by 
helping set up and providing a bindings package.

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