Error running concurrent process and storing results in array
drug2004 at
Wed May 6 08:28:41 UTC 2020
06.05.2020 11:18, data pulverizer пишет:
> CPU usage now revs up almost has time to touch 100% before the process
> is finished! Interestingly using `--boundscheck=off` without
> `--ffast-math` gives a timing of around 4 seconds and, whereas using
> `--ffast-math` without `--boundscheck=off` made no difference, having
> both gives us the 1.5 seconds. As Jacob Carlborg suggested I tried
> adding `-mcpu=native -flto=full
> -defaultlib=phobos2-ldc-lto,druntime-ldc-lto` but I didn't see any
> difference.
> Current Julia time is still around 35 seconds even when using @inbounds
> @simd, and running julia -O3 --check-bounds=no but I'll probably need to
> run the code by the Julia community to see whether it can be further
> optimized but it's pretty interesting to see D so far in front.
> Interesting when I attempt to switch off the garbage collector in Julia,
> the process gets killed because my computer runs out of memory (I have
> over 26 GB of memory free) whereas in D the memory I'm using barely
> registers (max 300MB) - it uses even less than Chapel (max 500MB) -
> which doesn't use much at all. It's exactly the same computation, D and
> Julia's timing were similar before the GC optimization and compiler flag
> magic in D.
What is current D time? That would be really nice if you make the resume
of your research.
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