Thread to watch keyboard during main's infinite loop

Daren Scot Wilson darenw at
Thu May 7 01:33:12 UTC 2020

On Thursday, 7 May 2020 at 01:02:57 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

Thank you, this is 110% helpful.

Actually, I'd like to return the excess 10%.  My dmd compiler 
does not like:

    import core.thread: sleep;

so I put the code back the way I had, just to get on with work.

> Use `shared` so that all threads use the same variables:
>     shared bool running=true;
>     shared char command = '?';

"shared" did the job.  I had read about "thread local" and 
"shared" in D before, but did not comprehend. Now I do :)

> This sequence of events is entirely possible:
>     1) main: cmd = command
>     2) cmdwatcher: command = c
>     3) main: command = ' '
> It won't happen often, but if it does, your input has no effect.

For this tool, lost key hits are not a problem.  At least, that's 
what I say for now. I may be back next week for help with that.  
For now, the trousered ape running the software will just have to 
tap the key again. (Or the key + Enter.)

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