Spawn a Command Line application Window and output log information

BoQsc vaidas.boqsc at
Mon May 18 17:02:02 UTC 2020

On Monday, 18 May 2020 at 16:40:24 UTC, Panke wrote:
> On Monday, 18 May 2020 at 16:36:11 UTC, BoQsc wrote:
>> I'd like to have application as small as possible with a 
>> simple Command Line Window.
>> I'd use that Window to output notices, log information and the 
>> like.
>> Would this require GUI library and how can this be achieved?
> If you do not want to create the library yourself, you could 
> spawn a terminal application like konsole or kitty and start a 
> simple cli app.
> You'd need to have some form of inter process communication 
> setup for this though.

On Windows 10, this example, when compiled and clicked on the 
executable - spawns a command line with the "Hello World" output 

import std.stdio;

void main() {
     write("Hello, World!");

	string line;
	while ((line = readln()) !is null)

The important question is: how can we change the name/title of 
this Command Line application.

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