Help on asdf json module

Sebastiaan Koppe mail at
Sun Oct 25 07:27:18 UTC 2020

On Sunday, 25 October 2020 at 06:05:27 UTC, Vino wrote:
> Hi All,
>    Currently we are testing various json module such as 
> "std.json, std_data_json, and asdf", the below 
> code works perfectely while use  "std_data_json or 
>" but not working as expected when we use "asdf" 
> and throwing the below error, hence request your help on the 
> same.

The API's are different. You can't just expect one to work with 
the api of the other.

Asdf is a bit more strict in that you have to specify whether you 
intent to iterate a json object (with `.byKeyValue()`) or a json 
array (with `.byElement()`).

Also the way you fetch values out of it is different. There is 
`.get!T(default)` that requires a default value in case it is 
empty (undefined), or `cast(T)field` if you assume there is a 
value and want an exception throw if not.


dependency "asdf" version="~>0.6.6"
import std.stdio: writeln;
import asdf;
import std.conv: to;

void main()
  string apidata = 
`{"items":[{"name":"T10","hostname":"test1","type":[{"typeValue":"TD,dev at,DEVt"},{"typeno":"000"}]},{"name":"T11","hostname":"test2","type":[{"typeValue":"TF,qas at,QAS"},{"typeno":"100"}]},{"name":"T11","hostname":"test3","type":[{"typeValue":"TP,prd at,PRD"},{"typeno":"101"}]}]}`;
  auto jv = parseJson(apidata);
  foreach(j; jv["items"].byElement()){

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