DMD64 2.095.1 unresolved _D4core8internal7switch___T14__switch_error in optimized build only

x3g6h7k8 email at notworking.qrk
Fri Apr 9 11:36:21 UTC 2021

Working on a project with some dozen source files and an external 
dependency on botan building with integrated dub.
There is only minimal templating used on my side.
Using DMD 64bit 2.095.1 I get the following error:

app_win_dmd_a64_rel.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external 
referenced in function 

.dub\build\mainapp_win_dmd_a64_rel-release-windows-x86_64-dmd_v2.095.1-dirty-76A12175597E4044EE0E049BBF1AC35D\app_win_dmd_a64_rel.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

The interesting point is this happens only in optimized builds. 
In debug builds everything is fine.
It happens both with Windows DMD64 and Linux DMD64.

Dub compile options in debug:
dmd -m64 -c -of.dub\build\app_win_dmd_...\app_win_dmd_a64_dbg.obj 
-debug -g -wi -de ...

Dub compile options in optimized:
dmd -m64 -c -of.dub\build\app_win_dmd_...\app_win_dmd_a64_rel.obj 
-inline -O -wi -de ...

template genericDecodeGrapheme(bool getValue) seems to sit in
and has a switch in it.

What's going on here?

I could imagine the following:
1) The optimizer does some lowering or similar and chooses a 
different code path not used in debug builds.
2) Something is different with name mangling in debug/optimized 

Is this a known problem already? Didn't found something about it.
Anyone with an idea how to cope with it?

Currently I don't have a reduced test case for this and may not 
be able to create one shortly.


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