What is the value for D to allow assign bool to char/dchar? For me, it must be an error.

jfondren julian.fondren at gmail.com
Sat Aug 7 21:57:20 UTC 2021

On Saturday, 7 August 2021 at 21:45:09 UTC, apz28 wrote:
>     void main()
>     {
>     	dchar d;
>     	d = false;
>     	d = true;
>     	char c;
>     	c = false;
>     	c = true;
>     }

true is 1 and false is 0. These are valid char and dchar values. 
Some people and languages are on board with this (like APL, 
quote: "Ken asked Wolfram why it was that in Mathematica 
propositions don’t have values 0 and 1 as in APL instead of True 
and False. Wolfram replied that he had no objections, but the 
Mathematica implementers were against it."), and some aren't.

assert(2 == true+true);
assert('a' == "ab"[3 > 5]);
assert(2 == iota(5).map!"a>2".sum);

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