Create alias of same name in inner scope, bug or feature?

Mike Parker aldacron at
Sat Aug 14 04:01:31 UTC 2021

On Saturday, 14 August 2021 at 03:47:05 UTC, Tejas wrote:
> ```d
> import std;
> auto abc(T)(auto ref T a, auto ref T b){
>     return a+b;
> }
> auto def(T)(auto ref T a, auto ref T b){
>         return a*b;
> }
> alias macro_1 = abc;
> void main()
> {
>     writeln(macro_1(15, 20));
>     alias macro_1 = def;// is this NOT considered variable 
> shadowing?
>     writeln(macro_1(100, 20));
> }
> ```

Shadowing local symbols is illegal. But it's okay for local 
symbols to have the same name as module-scope symbols. You can 
disambigbuate with [the module scope operator][1]:

void main()
    macro_1(); // the local symbol
    .macro_1(); // the external symbol


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