Getting a working example of opIndexAssign using opSlice ... have troubles ...

james.p.leblanc james.p.leblanc at
Mon Aug 16 06:36:02 UTC 2021

On Monday, 16 August 2021 at 06:20:11 UTC, Tejas wrote:

> Maybe just write `T[]` in code rather than making it happen via 
> the colon?
> I also have similar troubles, removing the default value always 
> helped me.
> Can you show the code where you're trying to apply this?

Hej Tejas,

Sure, here is the code snippet, it resides within a struct
along with various operator overloads.

To be honest, I am not exactly sure what is happening here. I
am unfamiliar with the "(T : T[])" syntax ... need to read
up a bit on that. (However, not so eary searching for a ":")


// --- cast overloading 
// T[] opCast(T : T[])(){     // this works
    T[] opCast(T[])(){ // yields: "Error: identifier expected for 
template value param"
       T[] x;
       x.length = this.length;
       for( int i = 0 ; i< this.length ; i++){
          x[i] = this.ptr[i];
       return x;

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