Unqualified class name

jfondren julian.fondren at gmail.com
Sat Aug 21 18:45:07 UTC 2021

On Saturday, 21 August 2021 at 17:33:51 UTC, Jeremy T. Gibson 
> is there a simple way to get the unqualified name of a class at 
> runtime without having to pass it through std.format?  
> `typeid(class).name` always yields the full classname, 
> including its module information (i.e., 
> "modulename.classname"), where I only want "classname" on its 
> own.

https://dlang.org/phobos/object.html#.TypeInfo_Class.name is all 
you have there, and it's just a string, so the simple way is to 
manipulate the string.

This seems a bit silly but I'm not worried about VMS 2.0 coming 
along and changing how extensions work ("nodot".extension == "" 
however, so if module-less classes are possible then this would 
fail with a RangeError):

class Whoami {
     string report() {
         import std.path : extension;

         return "class: " ~ typeid(this).name.extension[1..$];

class AnotherOne : Whoami {}

unittest {
     assert((new Whoami).report == "class: Whoami");
     assert((new AnotherOne).report == "class: AnotherOne");

string unqualified(string name) {
     import std.string : lastIndexOf;
     import std.algorithm : min;

     const i = name.lastIndexOf('.');
     return i == -1 ? name : name[min(i+1, $) .. $];

unittest {
     assert(typeid(new Whoami).name.unqualified == "Whoami");
     assert(typeid(new AnotherOne).name.unqualified == 
     assert("".unqualified == "");
     assert("x".unqualified == "x");
     assert("x.".unqualified == "");

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