implimenting interface function by inheriting from other class

Alexey invalid at email.address
Sat Aug 21 23:31:58 UTC 2021

On Saturday, 21 August 2021 at 23:14:14 UTC, Alexey wrote:
>> I want `this` inside of C1::coolFunc to return C2 if called as 
>> C2::coolFunc
> so executing `cast(C2) this !is null` inside of C1::coolFunc 
> would work

If this would work, I'd farther used this like so
interface Int
     void coolFunc();

class C1
     void coolFunc()
             auto obj = (cast(C1)(cast(Int) this));
             if (obj !is null)
             auto obj = (cast(C2)(cast(Int) this));
             if (obj !is null)
             auto obj = (cast(C3)(cast(Int) this));
             if (obj !is null)

class C2 : C1, Int


class C3 : C1, Int


class C4 : C1, Int


void main()
     auto c = new C2;


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