A way to mixin during runtime?

Виталий Фадеев vital.fadeev at gmail.com
Sun Aug 29 02:59:25 UTC 2021

On Friday, 27 August 2021 at 06:52:10 UTC, Kirill wrote:
> Is there a way to do mixin or similar during runtime?
> I'm trying to read a csv file and extract data types. Any ideas 
> on how this should be approached in D are greatly appreciated.

mixin at runtime not possible.
Source code compilation and runing in runtime not possible. But!

But you can impement this!

1. Need D compiller
2. In runtime you can compile mixin to dynamic library (.so or 
.dll) using  external command: `dmd ...`
3. Load dynamic library using `dlopen()` `dlsym()` `dlclose()`. 
(on Windows: LoadLibrary(), GetProcAdres(), FreLibrary())
4. Call mixin functions, variables
5. Done!

Packages bindbc-*, derelict-* uses dynamic loading. You can use 
both as examples.

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