Module import incompatibility

frame frame86 at
Tue Aug 31 12:57:33 UTC 2021

On Tuesday, 31 August 2021 at 12:37:51 UTC, bauss wrote:
> On Tuesday, 31 August 2021 at 12:26:28 UTC, frame wrote:
>> I'm sure it was asked before but can't find the thread:
>> How to deal best with an older library that uses the same 
>> class name as module name?
>> I get a lot of
>> `Error: module ABC from file ...ABC.d must be imported with 
>> 'import ABC'`
>> Do I need to rename all modules?
> The problem is that the file doesn't have a module statement so 
> the compiler tries to resolve the module name from the import 
> but is unable to resolve that properly.

No, it has one, eg:

module cairo.PdfSurface;

but the filename is PdfSurface.d and class name also :\

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