Module import incompatibility

frame frame86 at
Tue Aug 31 16:14:14 UTC 2021

On Tuesday, 31 August 2021 at 14:09:01 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

> Are you sure this is the problem? `PdfSurface` is not a valid 
> identifier here except for the class. In order to access the 
> package, you need to use `cairo.PdfSurface`.
> Tango was full of stuff like this, and it worked fine *as long 
> as* it wasn't a top-level module.
> -Steve

Ah, now I see the problem. It was imported with an additional 
top-level package path and that caused my confusion because the 
compiler shows the right path in the error and also the IDE sees 
the package with this top-level path, so it seems right but the 
module declaration doesn't match, of course.


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