Passing a derived class where base class is defined as ref parameter

chopchop bullshtttt at
Mon Dec 13 22:06:45 UTC 2021

Hi guys,

below a small piece of code, which does not compile because "b" 
of type B can not be passed as ref parameter to incr(ref A a).

If I remove the ref, it works as expected, that is to say I can 
give a derived class as parameter. I have an idea why it does not 
work, but I think a c++ reference would work, ie incr(A& console) 
would accept a B as parameter. What the logic here?


void main()
     import std.stdio: write, writeln, writef, writefln;

     class A
     	int i = 2;

     class B : A
     	int j= 3;

     void incr(ref A a)

     B b = new B();


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