Are there any containers that go with allocators?

ryuukk_ ryuukk_ at
Sun Feb 14 02:16:58 UTC 2021

On Tuesday, 9 February 2021 at 12:18:41 UTC, John Burton wrote:
> Normally I'm happy with the GC containers in D, they work well 
> and suit my use.
> I have a few uses that would benefit from allocation in memory 
> arenas or local stack based allocation. Looks like 
> std.experimental has allocators for those use cases.
> But I can't find any containers to make use of those 
> allocators. The built in ones use GC managed memory, there are 
> std.container but they appear to use malloc/free which again is 
> useful but not what I'm looking for.
> I'd like resizeable arrays, hashmaps and strings that I can 
> allocate using an allocator?
> Am I missing something in the standard library, or a way to use 
> the existing ones, or is it just that nobody has implemented 
> this kind of thing yet?

i use

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