[Understanding] Classes and delegate inheritance vs function pointers
sighoya at gmail.com
Sun Jan 10 13:54:13 UTC 2021
On Sunday, 10 January 2021 at 00:44:26 UTC, Q. Schroll wrote:
> Car[] cars = ...;
> Vehicle[] vehicles = cars;
> vehicles[0] = new Boat; // err...
> // cars[0] is a Boat now!?
> Now what? Do what Java does and throw an Exception? Or use
> const to prevent mutation?
Yes, you are right:
Derived derived;
Base* bp=&derived;
derived.method() //ouch
> I'm unsure what you mean.
I mean D doesn't support co(ntra)varaince out of the box, but
seems allowing them in certain cases increasing the degree of
confusion just as it is the case here.
I think it would be just better to generally incorporate
co(ntra)variance into D's semantic or completely disregard it.
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