native way to tell if output binary is library or executable?

Jack jckj33 at
Mon Jan 18 16:55:41 UTC 2021

On Monday, 18 January 2021 at 03:30:56 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
> On Monday, 18 January 2021 at 02:24:59 UTC, Jack wrote:
>> I know I can set version but I'd looking for a native way, if 
>> any, to do that. Is possible to tell if output binary is 
>> library or executable at compile time? then I'd call different 
>> version of a function.
> Add `-version=library` to your compiler flags for the library 
> and `-version=executable` to your compiler flags for the 
> executable. Then, in the code, you can check for `version 
> (library)` and `version (executable)`.
> Before you ask: no, there is no "more native" way to do this, 
> because there is actually no difference in how the code is 
> compiled between the two versions. The distinction between 
> library and executable is only made when the compiled code is 
> linked.

I'll really use this then. Thanks!

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