isCallable fails

tsbockman thomas.bockman at
Fri Jan 22 02:43:44 UTC 2021

On Friday, 22 January 2021 at 02:18:11 UTC, frame wrote:
> Anyway. It was a simple question not a prove that there is a 
> bug in the compiler.

isCallable is intended to either evaluate to a boolean, or give a 
clear compile-time error message. Since it did neither of those 
things for you, I suspect that something is wrong in the D 
project's code in addition to, or instead of, your code.

> You guys confuse a forum post question with a public 
> examination.

No, we're just used to helping each other get to the bottom of 
things like this. No one asked you for anything different from 
what we generally expect of each other in this context. This 
specific expectation mostly exists because, often, without a 
self-contained example we *truly don't know how to help you*.

You are of course free to decide that our methods aren't worth 
your time, but please don't take it personally.

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