byKeyValue is not available at compilation-time right ?

someone someone at
Sun Jul 25 17:38:23 UTC 2021

On Sunday, 25 July 2021 at 07:22:54 UTC, jfondren wrote:
> On Sunday, 25 July 2021 at 05:10:32 UTC, someone wrote:
>> /// implementation: however, would it be possible to 
>> dynamically‐load the following enums from a file at 
>> compilation‐time ?
>> public immutable enum structureLocations = [
>>    r"BUE"d : typeLocation(r"arg"d, r"Buenos Aires"d, r"ART"d),
>>    r"GRU"d : typeLocation(r"bra"d, r"São Paulo"d, r"BRT"d),
>>    r"HHN"d : typeLocation(r"deu"d, r"Frankfurt am Main"d, 
>> r"CET"d),
>>    r"LHR"d : typeLocation(r"gbr"d, r"London"d, r"UTC"d),
>>    r"NYC"d : typeLocation(r"usa"d, r"New York"d, r"EST"d)
>>    ];
> ```
> Error: `_aaRange` cannot be interpreted at compile time, 
> because it has no available source code
> ```
> Yep, seems that's not available.
> What you're doing with `immutable enum structureLocations` is 
> creating a manifest constant


> i.e. your AA initialization is copy-pasted into each use of it, 
> which means your program is rebuilding this AA at runtime every 
> time it comes up. You probably got to this point as a bare 
> `immutable structureLocations` errored out to the non-constant 
> expression.

Sounds bad, inefficient at least :(

I refactored this little chunk of code many times and I thought 
this was the best one that I came across.

> You should be able to use a shared static module initializer to 
> initialize an immutable AA, 
> , but although 
> I've seen examples of simple string[string] initialization, it 
> seems to be very hard to get more complex AAs past the 
> std.array/std.exception tools.

So I am seeking free trouble then :(

> So here's something you can do:
> ```d
> __gshared const dstring[][dstring] structureExchanges;
> __gshared const dstring[dstring] exchangeStructures;

ahhh, the __gshared attribute, I remember it while trying to 
understand the differences for all the attributes: multi‐tasking 
related: to share (non‐immutable global declarations) across all 
threads vs local‐storage (default) ... right ?

> shared static this() {
>     import std.string, std.algorithm;
>     dstring[][dstring] exchanges;
>     // could easily load this from a file
>     "   B3: B3 formerly Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo (aka 
>         BCBA: Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires
>         LSE: London Stock Exchange
>         NASDAQ: National Association of Securities Dealers 
> Automated Quotations
>         NYSE: New York Stock Exchange
>         XETRA: Deutsche Börse
>     "!strip.each!((dstring exch) {
>         const pair = exch.split(": ");
>         exchanges[pair[0]] = [pair[1], "some other values"d];
>     });
>     structureExchanges = exchanges;
>     dstring[dstring] structures;
>     foreach (k, v; exchanges)
>         structures[v[0]] = k;
>     exchangeStructures = structures;
> }
> ```
> std.array.assocArray might also come in handy.

I suppose I should rethink this matter once again then; I do not 
want to introduce things that make debugging harder than needed.

I'll try to analyze and to implement what you showed me and see 
how it unrolls.

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