float price; if (price == float.nan) { // initialized } else { // uninitialized } ... valid ?

Andre Pany andre at s-e-a-p.de
Wed Jun 30 16:24:38 UTC 2021

On Wednesday, 30 June 2021 at 03:15:46 UTC, someone wrote:
> Is the following code block valid ?
> ```d
> float price; /// initialized as float.nan by default ... right ?
> if (price == float.nan) {
>    /// writeln("initialized");
> } else {
>    /// writeln("uninitialized");
> }
> ```
> if so, the following one should be valid too ... right ?
> ```d
> float price;
> if (price != float.nan) {
>    /// writeln("initialized");
> }
> ```

Side note: in case you want to work with money, you may consider 
using a specific data type like 
https://code.dlang.org/packages/money instead of float/double.

Kind regards

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