dub support for Mac M1?

kinke noone at nowhere.com
Thu Mar 4 23:57:25 UTC 2021

On Thursday, 4 March 2021 at 22:30:17 UTC, tastyminerals wrote:
> I got a company MacBook with M1 chip and gradually migrate all 
> the stuff from Linux machine. I got precompiled ldc binary 
> installed without any problem now is the time for dub since I 
> have couple of D projects I use at work and all of them use dub.
> I can only see the dub-v1.23.0-osx-x86_64.tar.gz package so it 
> should at least run via Rosetta.

The official prebuilt LDC package comes with prebuilt dub, 
dustmite, ddemangle and rdmd, just like any other package.

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