How to check for combinations of versions

Blatnik blatblatnik at
Wed May 5 17:34:19 UTC 2021

On Wednesday, 5 May 2021 at 15:25:31 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
> However, if you really want something more expressive, and are 
> confident in your ability to use the extra power responsibly, 
> it is possible to work around these limitations:
>     template hasVersion(string identifier) {
>         mixin(
>             "version(", identifier, ") enum hasVersion = true;",
>             "else enum hasVersion = false;"
>         );
>     }

Hmm, I'll keep this in mind in case things start getting start 
getting more out of hand. Thanks! :)

Mixin strings are still kind of like black magic to me, so I 
prefer not to use them unless I really think they would help a 
lot. In this case, I only do this 3 times in the entire codebase, 
so it's not worth it yet.

And Dennis, sadly that wouldn't work for me since `version = XYZ` 
only affects the current module and I'm using this check in 
multiple modules.

Thanks for the help!

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