Is there any bettter solution to Windows wide string

FreeSlave freeslave93 at
Sun May 9 09:34:00 UTC 2021

On Saturday, 8 May 2021 at 20:50:10 UTC, Vinod K Chandran wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am planning some win32 hobby projects. Now I have this 
> function to tackle the LPCWSTR data type in win32.
> ```d
> private import std.utf;
> auto toWString(S)(S s) { return toUTFz!(const(wchar)*)(s); }
> ```
> Is there any better way to do this ?

You may try using tempCStringW from std.internal.cstring. It uses 
small string optimization. However the api is internal, so I'm 
not sure how valid it is to use this function. The returned 
struct is a temporary buffer so you must ensure that you don't 
escape dangling pointers.

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