Cannot access frame pointer of a struct with member function

SealabJaster sealabjaster at
Sun May 9 17:53:07 UTC 2021

On Sunday, 9 May 2021 at 17:37:40 UTC, Andrey Zherikov wrote:
> Is this a bug?

My best guess is that, since the struct doesn't have any member 
functions the compiler has decided that the struct doesn't need 
any access to the main function's context/frame pointer, so the 
struct has implicitly become a `static struct`.

Marking the struct `static` yourself while keeping the member 
function, will show that it can then compile.

You can also move your `foo` function into the main function and 
it'll compile. Oddly the output ends up becoming: `T(1, null)` 
which I didn't really expect.

Just a guess though.

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