Using "strcpy" to assign value to dynamic char array

Ali Çehreli acehreli at
Mon Nov 1 21:32:21 UTC 2021

On 11/1/21 2:01 PM, Ali Çehreli wrote:

 > The program is as incorrect as its C equivalent would be. ;)

I wrote a cool function to make it easy to disregard memory safety:

import std.stdio;

auto assumedLength(S)(ref S slice) {
   struct LengthSetter {
     void opAssign(size_t length) {
       // Nooo! :)
       *cast(size_t*)(&slice) = length;

   return LengthSetter();

void main() {
   auto arr = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
   arr.assumedLength = 10;

Joking aside, I liked the nested struct and its opAssign to mimic 
internal `arr.length = 42` syntax. (I know it involves a potentially 
expensive delegate but still...)


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