Completing C code with D style

forkit forkit at
Thu Nov 11 22:30:12 UTC 2021

On Tuesday, 2 November 2021 at 23:45:39 UTC, pascal111 wrote:
> Next code originally was a classic C code I've written, it's 
> pure vertical thinking, now, I converted it successfully to D 
> code, but I think I made no much changes to make it has more 
> horizontal thinking style that it seems D programmers care in 
> horizontal thinking style. Is there any additions I can make in 
> the code to make it suitable with D style or it's fine?

ok.. for a more on topic response..

     First: Please name your variables sensibly:
      char negativity, even; // grrr!!!
      char answer1, answer2; // makes so much more sense

     Second: You need to use D-style syntax in your array 
      int numbers[10] = [-3, 14, 47, -49, -30, 15, 4, -82, 99, 
26]; // C style
      int[10] numbers = [-3, 14, 47, -49, -30, 15, 4, -82, 99, 
26]; // D style

     Third: you're asking for trouble in your for loop declaration.
      for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) // grrr!! What if you counted up 
your elements incorrectly?
      for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(numbers) / sizeof(int); ++i) // is 
so much safer - in C style
      for(int i = 0; i < numbers.length; ++i) // is so much safer 
- in D style

Finally, D is multi paradigm. That's probably the first (and most 
important) thing you should know about D. Yes, you can write C 
style easy, and in many cases, that's just fine. You can also 
write in other styles.

But sometimes it is worthwhile rewriting code differently, to see 
what advantages, if any, comes about. D is a language where you 
can actually do just that. Above is a good (although very basic) 
example - i.e. change the way you define a for loop, so that it's 
safer, simpler, and more maintainable.

Also, use of lambdas, UCFS, etc.. (which is probably what you 
meant by 'horizontal' code), if used sensibly, can remarkably 
reduce and simplify code, as well as contributing to the 
maintainability of that code.

Thankfully, D is multiparadigm (which is its best and worst 
feature), and so it lets you can experiment with different 
styles. Try doing this in C, Go, Rust...

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