Using in one class a constant defined in another class

chopchop chopchop_fake at
Tue Nov 16 18:12:34 UTC 2021


I have a class Ground which defines some playground constants (at 
least constant to the class):
     class Ground
         immutable WALL = -2;
         immutable playgroundWidth = 77;
         immutable playgroundHeight = 22;

Now, in another class "Player", I would like to use those 
playground constants:
     import ground;
     class Player
             x = Ground::playgroundWidth/2;
             y = Ground::playgroundHeight/2;
I used the "::" notation as a reference to C++, but obviously 
here it does not compile:
|Error: need `this` for `playgroundWidth` of type 

A class must have a "new" initialization in dlang, alright. But 
then I replaced immutable by enum in the playgroundWidth 
declaration, and it compiles fine with:
         enumplaygroundWidth = 77;
         x = Ground.playgroundWidth/2;
My question is : Is enum declaration the right way to go? Or did 
I just find a trick around the problem? Could not find anything 
in the documentation. Why enum works and immutable does not?


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