How to do a function pointer to "malloc" and "free"?

rempas rempas at
Sun Oct 10 10:44:15 UTC 2021

I'm having the following C code:

static void* (*ppmalloc)(size_t) = malloc;
static void (*ppfree)(void*) = free;

I want to covert this code in D so I try to do the following:

static void* function(size_t)*ppmalloc = malloc;
static void  function(void*)*ppfree = free;

If I do that, I'm getting the following error message:

Error: function `core.stdc.stdlib.malloc(ulong size)` is not 
callable using argument types `()`

I'm also trying to do the same using "pureMalloc" and "pureFree" 
instead but this time I'm getting the following error:

cannot implicitly convert expression `pureMalloc()(size_t size)` 
of type `void` to `extern (C) void* function(ulong)*`

Any ideas?

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