TimeoutException for connecting to MySQL using a hunt-entity.

WebFreak001 d.forum at webfreak.org
Fri Oct 22 11:51:03 UTC 2021

On Friday, 22 October 2021 at 11:42:34 UTC, greenbyte wrote:
> Hi, all!
> I use the hunt-entity library to work with MySQL. I get the 
> hunt.Exceptions.TimeoutException: "Timeout in 30 secs" when 
> trying to connect. I configured MySQL and ran the code from the 
> instructions https://github.com/huntlabs/hunt-entity
> MySQL:
> mysql Ver 8.0.27 for Linux on x86_64 (MySQL Community Server - 
> GPL)
> DUB:
> version 1.25.0, built on Apr 23 2021
> In dub.json enabled "hunt-entity": "~>2.7.3"

 From the error message you posted it seems like it's failing to 
connect. Did you check that the IP address and port you are 
connecting to are correct? In case of localhost, try 
instead of "localhost"

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