Forum posting question ... how post a thread question with color syntax highlighting ??

someone someone at
Mon Sep 6 15:33:43 UTC 2021

On Monday, 6 September 2021 at 01:18:20 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
> That's because I've been using Thunderbird for mail and news 
> for a long time now and unfortunately it is impossible to 
> convince Thunderbird to add the necessary header field. 
> (Vladimir has a recommendation where I can run a simply local 
> server that augments Thunderbird's headers but I haven't tried 
> it yet.)
> I should go back to using Emacs for news. I am pretty sure it 
> will be configurable.

I used Thunderbird many many years and when Mozilla started doing 
stupid things to FireFox/Thunderbird (and almost abandoning 
Thunderbird by the way) I switched to ClawsMail and I can not be 
ever happier since then. Tiny, unobtrusive, extremely-fast, 
extremely-configurable, and guaranteed 
no-surprises-on-the-horizon which for me was the tipping point. 
Text-only mail only, no HTML/no-JavaScript, so bye-bye lots of 
possible attack-scenarios. I adopted ClawsMail when I switched 
from Windows to linux as my daily driver. If you feel giving it a 
try it is on

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