What is the meaning of @future ?
jared771 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 17 14:37:29 UTC 2021
On Friday, 17 September 2021 at 10:31:34 UTC, bauss wrote:
> On Thursday, 16 September 2021 at 20:53:34 UTC, Elmar wrote:
>> Hello D community.
>> I was browsing the `__traits` keywords and I found `isFuture`
>> whose descriptions says something about `@future`-annotated
>> variables.
>> [link](https://dlang.org/spec/traits.html#isFuture)
>> I didn't find anything about `@future` for the D programming
>> language. I only found that this annotation is used in Apex to
>> denote futures (a.k.a. promises) as programming concept.
>> Is this something which exists, existed, was abandoned early
>> as an idea? I remember I had read that D uses a "fiber"
>> library to provide coroutines and such.
>> Maybe somebody knows an answer for this.
> It's just another "useless" attribute that the language has
> added before fixing any of the real problems :)
> Basically it reserves a symbol for the future.
> It's similar to creating ex. an empty function that throws an
> error or something like "Not implemented"
> While I understand why it was added and what purpose it serves
> then I fail to see why that was prioritized over actual issues.
> It's solving an almost non-existing issue.
I think the main reason it was added is because Sociomantic asked
for it, but they are of course not around anymore.
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