Casting JSONValues arrays to native arrays ... ??? ...

james.p.leblanc james.p.leblanc at
Thu Sep 23 19:18:11 UTC 2021

On Thursday, 23 September 2021 at 19:04:47 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:
> On 9/23/21 2:20 PM, james.p.leblanc wrote:
>> Dear D-ers,
>> In attempting to cast JSONValues that hold arrays to "native"

> How you really do this:
> ```d
> import std.algorithm : map;
> auto z5 = jj["ba"] // get the JSONValue that is at the key "ba"
>       .map!(v => v.get!bool) // map each value into a boolean
>       .array // create an array out of the results;
> assert z5 == [true, false, true];
> ```
> (warning, untested)
> -Steve


Your thorough explanations have helped me understand quite much.
Thank you for your energy and patience in these forum 

In fact, I had begun to think that "map", may be what was needed 
and I had made a few naive attempts ... but this did not go so 
With your suggested solution, I believe I can make headway on 

Thanks Again,

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