Does the GC consider slice lengths?
Steven Schveighoffer
schveiguy at
Fri Apr 1 20:55:05 UTC 2022
On 4/1/22 4:15 PM, Ali Çehreli wrote:
> On 4/1/22 10:46, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
> >> But if
> >> it considers slices and their lengths specially, then it would see
> >> that the mid section is not referenced any more.
> >
> > It's not a consideration for the GC, but possibly the compiler. The GC
> > has no visibility into slices that hold references to its memory block.
> > It only has knowledge of pointers to its memory block (and then only
> > indirectly via scanning).
> Yes but if it recognized slices in addition to pointers, it could
> consider their lengths to reuse the middle section, no? I understand the
> role of the compiler but as GC is part of the D runtime, it feels like
> it could own the concept of slices.
While *possible*, there are several problems:
1. The GC is performant (!) because it only has to check whether a block
is live or not. If it had to also mark every single element (which is
based on the type) of the block as live or dead, the performance takes a
steep nosedive, along with space usage (1 bit per element?).
2. The GC somehow would have to manage that "middle" block of memory.
How do you free part of a block?
3. By default, memory is untyped. I think even with precise scanning,
the stack is untyped. The GC only scans pointers because it has no way
of interpreting the length that's contained somewhere nearby. A lot of
machinery would have to be added to make this happen.
> >> A related question is whether the memory for earlier elements are
> >> freed as they are popped off from the front. I know by experience that
> >> the memory for earlier elements are indeed freed. So one can use D's
> >> arrays as queues without memory issues: Add to the end, pop from the
> >> front...
> >
> > No, because removing the reference does not mean there are no other
> > references.
> Agreed but if the array is a private queue of a struct with just one
> reference, then the earlier memory would be freed.
> However, my mind was not working well in the morning: Combining with
> what you said above, of course it is never the "previous parts" of the
> array that are freed, rather the old allocations of the array that are
> freed. (Provided there are no references.)
Yes, I didn't read fully your question. The "front" elements that you
see freed are the old copies that are discarded when a reallocation
occurs. It's still an entire block that's managed, not portions of it.
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